Whom I Shall See No More

Soldier scottish

Reginald Palmer (1893-1917) Standing in a Commonwealth War Graves cemetery or at a mass memorial such as Thiepval it can be easy to lose the individuality of each of the soldiers – what they looked like, who they left behind, what their dreams and ambitions had been, and what they might have achieved if they […]

Great-aunt Jane

Dundee library

Ward Road, Dundee is a familiar route for me as I head into the centre of the city. I must have passed No 31 the Salvation Army Hostel many times without giving a second glance, until the surprising discovery that it was the final home of my great-aunt Jane Laing. Salvation Army Home, Ward Road, […]

Behind that long and lonely trenched line


Week 3 of 52 ancestors in 52 weeks Long Line The phrase has so many meanings – but for me, it epitomizes our trip to the French war graves and the long line of headstones stretching in every direction. COMBLES COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION  Our destination – the grave of my husband’s great-uncle – Private Stanley […]

My Favourite Photograph

The Edward family

The Edward Family The photograph was taken around 1907/1908 as the baby in his mother’s arms, Edward Scorgie, was born in October 1907. So why did I choose this as my favourite out of the many in our family albums? I love the fashions especially the hat on baby Edward and the beautiful lace collar […]

Alfred Palmer – Gentle in disposition

Alfred Palmer

January – the time of year when resolutions are made, goals and ambitions reviewed and plans put in place to make things happen, with the anticipatory excitement of a new decade, 2020. This year I’m taking up Amy Johnson’s challenge of 52 ancestors in 52 weeks, starting with a week 1 theme of a ‘fresh […]

Researching your Scottish Agricultural Ancestors

agricultural labourers

As the 179th Royal Highland Show comes to an end I thought it was a suitable opportunity to update and share this blog. The Show once again provided a showcase for the very best in Scottish farming, food and all aspects of rural life. This and the many local shows and competitions held annually throughout […]

What’s in a name?

name scrabble

It seemed appropriate to start this blog with the story of my own name. Just as my maternal Gran ignited my passion for genealogy, she was also responsible for choosing my name. An avid Scrabble player, she took the initials from family names and arranged them to give: M – Aunt Muriel; E – Great-Granny […]